How to Boost Business Productivity to Shoot Up Profits? 7 Ways

By Will Courtney Jun 10 2021 6:54PM
Read: 3571

Every company wants to boost productivity in the office, but nobody knows how. A crucial factor in this is employees & their work attitude. However, there are tricks in the market to boost productivity.

7 Must-Know Business & Employee Productivity Boosting Techniques

Every company wants to boost productivity in the office, but it’s not always easy to do. You must motivate your personnel to accomplish their jobs as efficiently and effectively as possible, and you must have measures in place to do so.

However, to help you understand, we will today discuss the top 7 business productivity-boosting techniques. Note that none of the seven will change your staff into the most productive group of people in one night, but implementing one or a few of them will get them started on the right path.

7 Techniques to Boost Business Productivity

  • Set Realistic Goals Not setting realistic goals for yourself & employees will leave in nothing but stress & fatigue. Instead, try assisting them by setting attainable goals for them & provide managers and staff with clear instructions to help them understand what is expected of them. This will help them be more productive because they will have a defined focus and set of objectives.
  • Use Technology’s Benefits Modern employees are open to all ranges of communication technologies, including text messaging and online chats, as well as older electronic formats like email and bulletin boards. By simply equipping employees with the appropriate tools, businesses may leverage the power of communication to boost productivity. Benefits:
    • Employees can communicate with one another without wasting time on desk visits or missed connections by implementing a work-friendly instant messaging service.
    • Using an email program’s calendar functions to schedule meetings makes the process faster, smoother, and more effective.
    • Business owners can increase productivity and decrease costs by utilizing these technologies.
    Top Productivity Tools
    • Database: Zoho Creator
    • Time Tracking: Clockify
    • Daily To-Do’s: Todoist Or Wunderlist
    • Task Management: Zenkit, Basecamp Or Asana
    • Chat Communication: Slack
    • Customer Service Engagement: Zendesk Or Helpscout
  • Flexible Timings Employers need to understand that time is changing, and they need to adapt to the situation for the best productivity. Regardless of job function or actual company demands, requiring all employees to adhere to the exact tight timetable is detrimental to staff morale and productivity.
    Allowing your employees some flexibility with their schedules and working hours can boost productivity, increase loyalty, and inspire employees to contribute more to the firm. Allowing some staff to work from home might also help to raise productivity and morale.
    According to a 2010 IBM research, professionals who have the flexibility to work from home work longer hours and are less stressed than their office-bound counterparts.
  • Minimize Distractions The primary productivity killers are distractions, such as mobile phones, frequent breaks, and creating an uncomfortable environment. Although social media can be a tremendous productivity killer, a no-phone policy isn’t practicable. Instead, attempt to keep people motivated and engaged while giving them the freedom to breathe.
    Tip: Encourage staff to switch off their phones but to take regular breaks where they are free to check them. As a result, the time they spend at their workplace will be more productive.
  • Avoid Over-controlling Employees Micromanaging your staff shows that you’re controlling & don’t trust them to perform a decent job on their own. Nothing is more irritating to an employee than a boss who micromanages.
    Tip: Once you’ve assigned a task or project, outline your expectations, provide some directions, and then delegate authority to your employees. Always be available if they have questions, but give them autonomy over their work. Benefits of Avoiding Over-controlling
    • Enabling your employees to learn and make decisions for themselves by not watching their every move and instructing them what to do and how to do it
    • It frees up time in your hectic schedule to catch up on your work by not hovering over your employees’ shoulders while they do their allocated chores.
  • Break Big Tasks into Small It is common for employees and individuals to procrastinate their work due to overloading big tasks. However, breaking down your goals or objectives into more minor chores can assist.
    Tip: Make a To-do List This method of organizing your to-do list makes things more manageable, allowing you to take action rather than wallow in overwhelm. Divide your day into parts by allocating a certain amount of minutes for work and then taking a short rest, similar to Pomodoro Technique.
  • Ideal Work Temperature The point might look useless, but keeping your employees in no-ideal temperature will affect their productivity drastically. Employees will spend more time walking around to retrieve their jackets or an electric fan in a hot or chilly atmosphere, distracting them from their work. Ascertain that both the heating and air-conditioning systems are operational when the appropriate season arrives.
    Tip: Temperatures between 68 and 70 degrees F are ideal for working (20-21 C).
    Bonus 8th Point: Upskill Employees
    The importance of training in enhancing productivity cannot be overstated. Training has been discovered to be advantageous to both companies and employees. Providing opportunities for advancement within your company will keep your employees motivated and make their jobs more fascinating.

Business Productivity: Boosted by Employee-Employer Relationship

So, these were the best techniques for boosting business productivity. Note that there are numerous advantages to enhancing workplace productivity, such as profits can be increased, operational costs reduced, resources maximized, and customer service improved. A boost in employee engagement and an overall pleasant and healthy work environment are two other noticeable benefits. Employees who are engaged are among your company’s most valuable assets.