What’s Holding Back People in India from Starting a Start-up

By Reva Jain Apr 2 2021 2:58PM
Read: 2488

The Number One Reason Why People Don’t Work on Start-ups

The Number One Reason Why People Don’t Work on Start-ups

Are you someone who has mind-blowing ideas for the start-up but has doubts which keep bugging on your head, not allowing you to implement them? Well, no worries we have got you covered, here are tips (no shortcuts to success), just something you can try to calm yourself down and begin working on the thing; you always wanted to do!

Make the Choice for your Start-up

Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder once said, “We are our choices. Build yourself a great story.” which simply means that whatever we do, reflects on the kind of a person we are and how we want ourselves to be represented! We all are made of our past which defined the choices we had and how we managed to use those resources to build ourselves, we all are the choices of our present too, what we are doing right now is a CHOICE and it defines our present!

Hence, if you have an idea or if you love something to do but rather implementing it or focusing on it, you ditched it and prefer watching a movie or just scrolling your social media; what does that reflect? It simply means that you don’t trust yourself enough! Well, we know that it’s a competitive world and nobody gets the thing they always wanted to have/do, but can we just not try and make it happen?

How to Validate Your Start-up? Most Important Questions!

Before we begin further, I want you all to ask yourself certain questions and maybe write the answers in the notepad, which are:

  • What is your hobby that you think can be turned into your profession? How can a simple interest in something become your own start-up?
  • What is your ultimate purpose of doing it? Think about the “Why” aspect (take your time and think deeply)!
  • What kind of people will be interested in buying/consuming what you're going to sell/ produce?
  • Think why people will purchase your product rather than so many already there in the market? What they’re going to love the most about it?
  • How can you convince other people in buying/ how you can be authentic enough to make the deal?

I hope these questions have helped you to get more clarity on the things that held you back or motivated you to research more on it. I will also suggest that you talk to someone (whom you trust, who will be there for you no matter what) about the idea and the whole process that can give you enough clarity about the other aspects as well and do you know that talking to someone reduces the stress and helps you to get it out of your system it also diverts your mind on negatives and helps you to focus more on the positive side as well. It also reminds you that you are not alone and if you succeed, you will have people to celebrate it with but if it doesn’t work out then also you will have people who can empathize and help you mentally, emotionally, or maybe financially too. It will not hold you back rather it will strengthen your capabilities, remove all the doubts and make you a better person.

Making the Start-up Idea Feasible

Now, I know you might be thinking about the expenses, like will it be profitable or what if it doesn’t work out and the invested money goes to waste.

For that, you might have to research more on the start-up failure or maybe check on the other companies who used to work with similar products but failed due to certain consequences and try not to commit those mistakes again and force your mind to be as creative as it can be for the better results. Just don’t stop by the first attempt only, if you want your start-up to happen then think as wide as possible but check every detail and sub-points about it.

The most common mistake companies make is that they don’t have short-term and long-term plans, they just jump to conclusions; they might under or overestimate their profits or income.

Sometimes, they hire interns but they don’t provide a growth environment or a place where they all can discuss information in detail, they lack communication which after a while, drains the company’s goods and resources and results in losses. There might be a hundred reasons or companies that have gone through this and didn’t make it well but if there is one reason that is sufficient enough to make that dream startup happen then, just do it.

Some Last Words for Start-up Motivation

You will make mistakes for sure, but how else will you learn to get up if you don’t try and fall. It won’t be successful overnight but it will only happen when you work through several nights!

I will end up with a quote by Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO, “Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.”