Bill Gates Success Story: The Computer Man who Started at age 13

By Shruti Chandnani Mar 30 2021 3:39PM
Read: 13682

Bill Gates wrote a payroll program, software for school schedule management, traffic optimizing software, and one more to earn profit at the age of 13 only. Read his full inspirational story here.

Bill Gates Success Story: The Man who brought OS Systems

Being passionate about a thing and following that until you achieve it leads you to the path of success. So is the story of the now Philanthropist Bill gates. His story is not from the poor to rich, he had a wealthy family, his father being an attorney and mother being a school teacher, but the amount of work he had put in to create what he is today regardless of the background he had, made him stand out from the rest.

Bill Gates Success Story - EARLY DAYS

It all started in school at the age of 13, where he got a computer system from a general electronic company, offered by the school, on which he started his success journey by building the first software of his life. Since then, he never stopped, he built many more with his schoolmate Paul Allen. Together they wrote a payroll program, software helping in school schedule management, traffic optimizing software, and one more which help them earn profit.

Gates was very intelligent in academics, especially in Maths, and appeared for SAT after completing school and cleared it with flying colors. This led to his entry into the famous Harvard institute, but because of his interest in computers and programming he couldn’t abide by the long, stressful, “doing the same thing everyday” days in Harvard as he couldn’t do what he really wanted to, so he decided to take a break from Harvard (which he eventually left) and work will Paul Allen in the field of developing software.

Both worked in a small space and created many software. While working on a programming language, Allen came across an article that read about an Altair created by MITS. Gates found this opportunity interesting and contacted the MITS and told them about BASIC, the programming language they were working on. Soon they demonstrated the program to the company and it sold the program as Altair-BASIC.

Bill Gates Company - Micro-Soft (with a hyphen)

This invention motivated them to open a company of their own, they named it as Micro-Soft. The company suffered losses initially as they were using pirated systems but soon, they had been contacted by a company called IBM, which asked them to make an operating system for the launch of their first manufactured computer. Initially, Gates offered them another company for developing the system but ended up making an OS himself, knocking out the company he offered IBM.

The OS which Gates developed was not an original but an innovation of an existing OS, he named his OS, MS-DOS. This system was then licensed by many other companies. Being satisfied with the product given by Gates after a few years, IBM approached them again and asked them to develop another operating system, Gates took the challenge and this made him develop yet another operating system, OS2.

After a few years, Gates and Paul Allen built a software named Windows, a collection of operating systems, which overshadowed the operating systems they had made before. This led to a partition between IBM and Micro-Soft because of the competition in the market. After the launch of Windows, many other versions were also released, one of which merged the OS and Windows both in one.

This much development was not enough for the now entrepreneur Gates, his hunger was still not satisfied. He worked on various other software and this led him to develop one of the famous programs Microsoft offices. Today no computer is sold without this program. It has become a necessity for every individual either related to the computer field or not.

Apart from the programs which are described, many more were developed from the intelligent brains of Mr. Gate. During the path of their success, Allen was diagnosed with a disease, after the recovery, he decides to part ways with Gates and moves on in life to peruse various Business ventures.

Gates went ahead with creating the now named Microsoft (without the hyphen) and today is the principal founder of the company. He had been assigned the position of CEO, he stepped back from the position and now is the chairman of the company and an advisor to the new CEO.

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”
– Bill Gates

Bill Gates and Philanthropy

What should one do when S/He has extra? DONATE.

Gates didn’t only earn money in his life but the billionaire who he is today shared his worth with people in need. As mentioned, he stepped down from the CEO position, he invested his time in the William Foundations, which is now working under Gates and his wife. They worked towards social problems like poverty, inequality, hygiene, healthcare, and many more. Gates representing the IT field invested some amount for the betterment of the field.

Top Bill Gates Habits for Success

Getting successful on your own is not easy. For Gates also it wasn’t. But he followed few habits which led him to the path of success.

  • HARDWORK- He donated most of his time to his passion and worked on his product’s improvement. He was very dedicated to what he was doing and knew exactly what he was doing.
  • GOOD COMPANY- one spoilt Apple can spoil the whole basket of apples, i.e., the company you are with, has a huge impact on your entire life be it friends, family, relatives, etc. Staying around motivating people helped Gates develop confidence in what he was doing and with some help he achieved what he wanted.
  • COMPETITION – having competition motivates a person to get better in the field they are in. Being in an IT field Gates had to face a lot of competition, the pressure which developed because of the competition made him think differently.
  • DESIRE– The burning desire to be different helped Gates develop innovative software from the existing versions which help him increase the market value of his products.
  • DIFFERENT THINKING – Gates thought out of the box and didn’t do what everyone else was doing. He did what he wanted to do and did it in a way he wanted to do it.

Final Words on Legend – Bill Gates Success Story

Learning from the motivating Bill Gates who now gives speeches in various institutions, including Harvard, which he left, Gates has achieved everything he has dreamed of, he is today an idol for many and has many followers who follow his principles of success. Continuing to inspire many today Gates is living a very fulfilling life many dreams of getting.