
Krimanshi Success Story – Reinventing Feeds for Farm Animals

Krimanshi is one of those rare brands that work on unconventional and sustainable feed systems. The company got founded in 2015 by Nikhil Bohra and its headquarters is in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Krimanshi has successfully raised $681.2K funding in a total of 3 rounds. The company has various products for dairy farmers and they will soon launch products for fishery and poultry farmers as well.
By Anil Diggiwal - Apr 28 2022 3:28PM - 2401 Read
Krimanshi Success Story – India’s Rising Cattle Feed Company

India faces many issues with food wastage, environmental sustainability, less nutrition content, etc. Krimnashi is one such company that solves all these problems for us by providing the best quality feed for the cattle. The feed and fodder deficiency in Rajasthan has been an issue for the time being. The natural habitat of that region doesn’t support agriculture and thus most of the farmers are forced to survive on cattle. The company's main USP is that they utilize the resource that has been thrown away. They aim to minimize the load on the environment by recycling and using the waste that is generated in farms, urban areas, or even forests. So, let us get into this article to read the success story of this unique and problem-solving startup.

Krimanshi – Key Points

  • Startup Name – Krimanshi
  • Founder – Nikhil Bohra
  • Founding Year – 2015
  • Headquarters – Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Company Type – Private
  • Industry – Cattle feed
  • Number of Employees – 20 to 30
  • Website – www.krimanshi.com

Krimanshi – Founder

Nikhil Bora is the founder and CEO (Chief Financial Officer) of Krimanshi. Nikhil is a biotech engineer by profession and he has done deep research in cultivating and harvesting microalgae as an alternative food resource. He has also formulated a new way of naturally increasing milk production in animals.

Nikhil has an experience of more than 8 years of working on various projects with NGOs, JICA, the European Union, World Bank, functioning across conservation, sanitation, environment, water, health, and nutrition.

Krimanshi – Brand Name, Logo, and Tagline

  • Brand Name – The brand name of the company is unique and catchy. It completely resonates with the core of the business and it is easy to remember as well.
  • Logo – The company’s logo is in bright green colour that represents the sustainability, conservation, environmental aspect, etc. of the business. It also features various animals on the top for which they are working.
  • Tagline – The company’s tagline is – Complete, Healthy, Safe Nutrition and Premium Cattle Field.

Krimanshi – Business Model

The company mainly follows both B2B and B2C business models. They work with farmers, small retailers, small organizations, etc. in the village.

Krimanshi – Services

Some of the valuable services provided by the company are as follows:

  • Benefits to farmers – The company was mainly started to help the farmers with their needs and solve their basic issues. Increasing the potential of their cattle to produce more and better milk is one of the best solutions for them.
  • Helping animal shelters – Krimanshi also takes care of the sick and unproductive cattle and supplies their feed to the animal shelters as well.
  • Reusing resources for animals – With this fast-changing environment, users must upcycle and reuse all the things. The company is helping all the farmers in increasing their milk production from the cattle and feeding the increasing population.

Krimanshi – Products

Some of the main products sold by Krimanshi are as follows:

  • Cattle Mettle Plus
  • Cattle Mettle Champion
  • Cattle Mettle Supreme
  • Cattle Mettle Ultimate
  • Cottonseed cake
  • Mineral mixture
  • Fruit Powder

They are also soon going to launch various products for poultry and fishery as well.

Krimanshi – Funding and Investors

Krimanshi has successfully raised $681.2K funding in a total of 3 rounds. Their latest funding got completed from a Series A round on Oct 19, 2020. Some of the top funding and investors of the company are as follows:

  • Undisclosed Amount – Seed Round, Sep 20, 2017
  • Undisclosed Amount – Seed Round, AIM Smart City, Jan 1, 2019
  • $50 M – Series A Round, Rajasthan Venture Capital Fund, Oct 19, 2020

Krimanshi – Impact

Krimanshi has impacted various aspects such as economic, environmental, and social. Some of them are as follows:

  • Increased productivity – Up to 20% more milk in cattle
  • Richer farmers – Earning $30 to $35 extra monthly with quality produce
  • Better health - Fameres saving up to 70% expense on vet care
  • Easy on the environment – Tonnes of poisonous emissions saved from entering the environment

Krimanshi – Awards and Achievements

Krimanshi won several awards and recognition for its outstanding work for the society and environment. Some of them are as follows:

  • By UN
  • Named under Forbes 30 Under 30
  • By Invent
  • By The Commonwealth
  • By Social Alpha
  • By Villgro
  • By DFID
  • By Startup Oasis
  • By Department of Biotechnology (GOI)

Krimanshi – Competitors

Some of the main competitors of the company are as follows:

  • Godrej Agrovet
  • Prima Agro Ltd.
  • Ajooni Biotech Ltd.
  • Narmada Agrobase Ltd.
  • Empresa Agroindustrial Pomalca
  • AGRA
  • KSE Ltd.

Krimanshi – Challenges Faced

Every company has to face various challenges in its entrepreneurial journey and it is not easy to survive in this competitive industry. Some of the main challenges faced by Krimanshi are as follows:

  • Need for Nutritious Farm Inputs – This is one of the main challenges faced by the company. The need for nutritious farm inputs that are cost-effective is a need and it is not that easy to find one.
  • Need for waste treatment – The whole concept of the business is dependent upon waste treatment. To sustain its business, the company has to sort out this issue as soon as possible. They need to come up with a solution that upcycles and resues all kinds of waste without any hassle.
  • Competitors – Krimanshi is just a few years old company in this industry and there are already many old players who are performing well. They are already a well-established company and overshadowing them wouldn’t be that easy for them.
  • Pandemic – The recent COVID-19 pandemic was one of the biggest hindrances to the growth of many startups. Krimanshi also had to face various halts and failures due to this and coming out of this difficulty was not that easy.

Krimanshi – Future Plans

Some of the upcoming plans of the company are as follows:

  • The company wants to introduce more products for the animals.
  • They also want to try their hands in various other things such as poultry, fishery, etc.
  • Krimanshi is looking forward to hiring more employees as the company grows.
  • The company is also planning to expand their business in various other states as well, by the end of FY 2023.
  • They want to help more farmers in the production of milk.
  • The company is trying to reduce agricultural and urban waste to a great extent in the coming future.
Anil Diggiwal
Anil Diggiwal

Anil Diggiwal is the Chief Editor for DigitalYug. He is particularly interested in business, in addition to international, online tale, quirky, and regional movies. Active in journalism for about a decade and a half, as well as a successful entrepreneur

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