
CodeChef Startup Story - Promising Online Platform for Programmers

Bhavin Turakhia founded CodeChef. It is an online platform for programmers that host algorithms, computer programming, and programming competitions. The ownership of CodeChef got transferred from Directi to Unacademy in the year 2020. They got an estimated 416 employees, and they have raised nearly $16.5 million.
By Digital Yug - Feb 16 2022 2:43PM - 3774 Read
CodeChef Startup Story - World's Largest Competitive Programming Platform

CodeChef is an online platform for programmers that host algorithms, computer programming, and programming competitions. In addition, they hold programming competitions and contests for students and professionals in the software industry. CodeChef, based in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, also assists businesses in connecting with developers, branding their goods, and recruiting. It is one of the best start-ups in this niche, and they are performing well with every growing year. Let's delve into this article to read the success story of this great start-up.

CodeChef Startup - Key Highlights

  • Startup Name - CodeChef
  • Founders - Bhavin Turakhia
  • Founded - September 2009
  • CEO - Bhavin Turakhia
  • Industry - Software
  • Type - Subsidiary of Unacademy
  • Headquarters - Mumbai, India
  • Parent Company - Directi, Unacademy (2020-)
  • Website - www.codechef.com

CodeChef Startup – Platform for Coders

Directi, an Indian software business, launched CodeChef as an educational endeavour in 2009. It's a global programming community that promotes learning and friendly competition, with a vast community of issue curators built on top of the world's largest competitive programming platform. Every month, they offer three featured contests, award prizes, and goods to the winners as motivation. Aside from that, anyone in the programming community can use the platform to conduct their games.

It has several projects for schools, colleges, women in competitive programming, and its monthly coding challenges for the general public. The ownership of CodeChef got transferred from Directi to Unacademy in 2020.

Fun Fact : CodeChef got credited with holding the India regionals of the prestigious ICPC competition for college students and the IOI competition for Indian school pupils.

CodeChef Startup Founder - Bhavin Turakhia

Directi established CodeChef in 2009 to assist programmers in enhancing their problem-solving skills by participating in programming competitions. The idea was to encourage friendly competition and community interaction among Indian programmers to improve their problem-solving skills.

The ownership of CodeChef was transferred from Directi to Unacademy in the year 2020. Following the transfer, Bhavin Turakhia, Gaurav Munjal, and Anup Kalbalia lead CodeChef.

CodeChef Startup – Brand Name and Logo

  • Brand Name- The Company’s brand name precisely signifies its job. It is a cooking platform for all the coders to develop coding.
  • Logo- The Company’s name heavily influences the CodeChef logo. A chef's hat may get seen on the icon. It is in beautiful white and brown colour.

CodeChef Startup - Competitors

CodeChef doesn't have a lot of good competitors in the market. They got an estimated 416 employees, and they have raised nearly $16.5 million. As a result, the revenue of CodeChef is placed third among its top ten competitors. A few of its top competitors are as follows:

  • TopCoder Inc
  • Services Sunrise Mentors Private Limited
  • LeetCode

Fun Fact: CodeChef's objective is to establish a community of highly trained certified professionals who are good problem solvers by providing a reliable, legitimate, and fair system of assessing the skills and knowledge required to become better programmers.

CodeChef Startup – Growth Numbers

Some of the growth factors of the company are as follows:

  • The contests provided by CodeChef will always be free, and that we will always be a community-focused and driven company.
  • Furthermore, CodeChef will offer a new product, which will be a paid product.
  • CodeChef had been making money for a long time before Unacademy entered the picture. Before Unacademy took over the stewardship, they already had a certification program and corporate products.
  • Another way to get cash is through the Unacademy learning program. CodeChef, on the other hand, has launched several free programs after being taken over by Unacademy.
  • They've already uploaded over 30 video editorials to various issues. It is only feasible because CodeChef now has more access to resources due to their relationship with Unacademy.
  • Because CodeChef is no longer a non-profit, the sentence has got deleted from the website's footer, and the CEO has stated that it will get removed from other places.
  • To restate, the CEO noted that all existing features/initiatives would remain free, and they will continue to support all of our projects as they have in the past.

CodeChef Startup - Future Plans

  • In 2010, CodeChef unveiled the Go for Gold Project. The Go for Gold Project's goal is lofty: "We want an Indian team to win the ICPC contest, one of the world's largest competitive programming challenges," according to the CEO. The company is working towards its goal.
  • He also stated that because the change will not occur overnight, their strategy encourages learning and reward improvement. They are planning to bring in more students in the future.
  • They offer scholarships, incentives, promotions, technical support, and training to Indian students regularly.
  • Their objective is to alter the world and provide Indian students more exposure with help to get started.

CodeChef Startup - Business & Revenue Models

The activities of the CodeChef business model are purely non-commercial. CodeChef is a non-profit educational endeavour. Thus, they don't make any money. Directi paid for all of CodeChef's operations, technology, infrastructure, and management. They planned to subsidize some of these costs over time through strategic relationships with other businesses.

Fun Fact : Every month, their site hosts 30+ external contests on average and assists companies in connecting with developers, branding their products, and recruiting. As a result, the CodeChef community has already swelled to over 100,000 programmers worldwide.

Digital Yug
Digital Yug

Digital Yug is an Indian digital media platform that posts real life stories, events, news, and blogs about startups, entrepreneurs, and successful people. The company was founded by Dr Anil Diggiwal in 2018 and is currently a privately owned, bootstrapped organization. This Jaipur based company publishes & focuses on undiscovered, small startup stories.

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