
Life Lessons from the Power Couple Deepak & Anjali Gupta

Mr. Deepak and Anjali Gupta are the founders of HIFT, Jaipur. This video talks about how the couple started their career journey with their love story. The couple gets candid in the interview & gives real-life lessons to coming youth.
By Prakash Mishra - Jun 12 2021 11:54PM - 4841 Read

This video is all about how fashion industry icons from Jaipur, Deepak & Anjali Gupta. Deepak Gupta is CEO of HIFT (Heights Institute of Fashion & Technology) and Anjali is the director of HIFT. The couple starts the video from their exciting love story & fashion love connection and how both of them entered into this high competition market. The couple interestingly has an out of the box approach to showcase their collection. Apart from going with the conventional method of hiring top models, they also organize fashion shows with kids or individuals from unprivileged background being the show stoppers.

Deepak & Anjali advices the social youth not to lose hope in difficult times & keep trying with their hard work. Mr. Gupta believes that the one born with a silver spoon & gets everything ready would not enjoy his life to the fullest due to not making efforts for his success. At last, the couple reveals how Heights Institute of Fashion & Technology (HIFT) students graduates are doing in the current market, their future plans, and how the industry works!

Prakash Mishra
Prakash Mishra

Founder & CEO of Drive Digital Mr. Prakash Mishra is also a Google Certified Market Researcher and Digital Marketing Strategist.

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