
Advantages & Disadvantages of Affiliate v/s Multilevel Marketing : Top 3 Pros & Cons

Advantages & Disadvantages of Affiliate v/s Multilevel Marketing : Top 3 Pros & Cons
By Kunal Tulsani - Mar 26 2021 3:34PM - 3505 Read

Both affiliate and multilevel marketing models are hugely popular among promoters. However, it becomes difficult for them to choose one and go deep into it. The internet is filled with supporters of both of them that make it further difficult for a marketer to decide on one. However, to some relief, we are not taking anyone's side and the article would provide you an unbiased true picture for both of them. It includes the pros, cons of affiliate & multilevel marketing, how to start both of them, followed by a robust conclusion.

Pros of Affiliate Marketing

  • Product Choice : As an affiliate marketer, you have the utter freedom of choosing the product you want to promote. One can choose from millions of products available on the internet. In fact, there is an affiliate link for almost every product or service you can think of, including, hosting, hotels, medicals, & subscriptions. With the option of wide product choice, there are over a dozen of ways to market these products & services.
  • Resources : Affiliate marketing is one of the cheapest methods to start making money online. The marketer only needs a laptop and an active internet connection to start his marketing business. Note that most affiliate marketing sites do not charge anything to join.
  • Efforts : Affiliate marketing is considered one of the easiest methods of earning money online. The catch here is you do not need to do any work yourself like packing, manufacturing, billing, or shipping. You need to help customers get what they are already looking for by marketing it at the most right place.

Cons of Affiliate Marketing

  • Affiliate Websites : The affiliate marketer promotes other sellers’ products and these sellers only need a boost to their site. Once they get their initial boost, they leave. In fact, most marketers lose a big chunk of their affiliate sales once the seller starts getting some automatic sales.
  • Control : Another big disadvantage is affiliate marketers not having any control over the quality of the product or service. You are the promoter and only market the product till sales but the after-sales service, product shipped, or the service provided to the customer is out of your control. This can ruin your network or defame your site or reputation in the market. Thus, it is recommended to only market products that you would personally recommend to someone.
  • Competition : The internet has taken over the world now and almost everyone is connected to it, consciously or unconsciously. This makes a big chunk of people aware of affiliate marketing techniques and thus, the inward in this sector is vast than ever. The competition in the field is so high that commissions or earnings over the years on products have fallen drastically.
  • Time Taking : Affiliate marketing is a daunting and time taking task. The marketer is required to dedicate himself with utter efforts and strategize most effectively to bring traffic. People misconceive the marketing concept as a quick money-making tool and not as a long-term game.

On average it takes around 24 months to get some real income from affiliates. Why? Building a site, getting ranked on Google, gaining the trust of people, and getting good affiliate partners takes time.

“Business has only two functions—marketing and innovation.”
— Milan Kundera

Pros of Multilevel Marketing

  • Personal Branding : With network marketing, people not only have the option to become a salesman or expert marketer, but also a brand. People would eventually start buying by your name and would start recognizing you as the ambassador of the product, at least for them.
  • Passive Income : Multilevel marketing is a great passive income source and is different from affiliate marketing. You have your people working under you and they bring the income for you. In affiliate marketing, the promoter has to work actively and the income stops when he stops marketing.
  • Tax Advantage : Government eats a big 30% chunk from your salary in form of tax and one way to stop it is by starting your own business. Yes, multilevel marketing is your business and you can invest your extra cream in it to make more income.

Cons of Multilevel Marketing

  • Skills : Multilevel marketing demands a variety of skills from people, including sales, communications, creativity, and more. The hard truth is most people don’t have them and thus, blame the marketing model. However, it just takes the right person.
  • Fraud Mentors : Another disadvantage of multilevel marketing is the market is filled with scams or fraud MLM companies. The product or service they sell is of poor quality and it greatly affects consumer loyalty and your perception of them. Therefore, it is always recommended to connect you with a trusted organization.
  • Top Websites to Start Affiliate Marketing : Affiliate marketing is easy! You choose the best products from different websites, start promoting them using varied tools & techniques, and earn money. However, the trick here is choosing websites that pay the most.

Here are some of the top examples:

  • Amazon (Wide Variety of Products)
  • Blockart (High Commission on Every Product)
  • Aaravcollection.com (High-Quality Wholesale Products)

Top Website to Start Your Multilevel Marketing Business

www.MLMYug.com is one of the top websites that help individuals start their own multilevel marketing business. The firm has a wide list of options and features & the best support in the industry. The services include mobile apps, websites, e-commerce, NBFC, RD-FD, & microfinance software, all in the MLM niche.

Final Words

So, this was all about affiliate & multilevel marketing models. It completely depends on you what to choose depending upon the skills you possess. For example, if you’re more into networking, extrovert, have good communication skills, and creative, then MLM is best for you. However, if you are on the shy side, like to work with your laptop in a room, then the affiliate is best for you. www.theblockart.com offers one of the best affiliate programs on the internet with the best products and high commission. But till then…

Keep Hustling!

The confusion on which is better among affiliate and MLM marketing should be over now. This article discusses all major pros and cons of both marketing models followed by suggestion on which one should you choose!

Kunal Tulsani
Kunal Tulsani

I’ve been in the content & marketing industry for more than 5 years now and utterly understand the ins & outs of it, be it what companies want or what readers like to read. With many ups and downs in life, I am now heading for the best part with the help of divine. No Matter how difficult the situation is, know that – We are the God, We are Looking for!

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