
5 Ways To Effectively Work On Stress Management

Best 5 Steps Guide to Stress Management in this Hectic Era
By Rupsa Das - Apr 2 2021 2:36PM - 2341 Read
Best 5 Steps Guide to Stress Management in this Hectic Era

Stress, which brings out physical or emotional reactions, is omnipresent in every individual in daily life, be it adults or kids. At times, it feels like it is becoming a lot to handle so much stress due to piling up of excessive workload, responsibilities at home, maintaining a family, and other things to look after.

Also, major ongoing stress is the COVID-19 global pandemic that has affected immensely the mental stability. of the people which eventually also led to other problems like loss of jobs, financial crisis, relationship issues, lack of transportation, and also a major effect on health and economy.

The life of the people is at high risk once the levels of stress reach its peak which may also result in the untimely death of the people or they often become the victims of suicide or psychological disorders. But, before it gets extended in such a state, you must take measures to keep track of it, so that you can control it before it becomes too late.

To lead a healthier and cheerful life, you must learn stress management techniques to regain yourself back to the normal mental

equilibrium. You must be able to maintain a life where you will be able to balance your career, personal life, relationships, and other aspects which is important for you despite the complexities. You must gather the strength to fight against all the odds in every situation by maintaining calmness and resilience. Here are some effective key tips for stress management for you.

“People are disturbed not by a thing, but by their perception of a thing.”— Epictetus

A Step-by-Step Guide to Stress Management Stress Management Step 1: Find Out The Origin Of Your Stress

Look out for the sources from the within which are affecting your emotional composure. Though it can be a difficult task for you to begin, when you start identifying them and then work on them, it will be easier for you eventually to cope up with the stress. Focussing on minor and major issues is equally important to be looked after. You can also look out for it by keeping track of your daily life.

Just, for example, maintaining a stress journal can help you to identify the change in your habits or excuses or attitude. Scribble down your thoughts of how you have been exactly feeling, and what caused it. Finally, you tried to control it and what led to the ultimate result. Once you read this and check how you overcame the intricate situation, you will realize how you are growing every day and managing your stress.

Stress Management Step 2: Exercise

Exercise can help you to increase your health, both mentally and physically which will make you every day better. It helps in lessening the levels of the stress hormones in the body and also pumps up your endorphins. Some exercises can even in relieving stress by spreading positive vibes in your body. You will realize that you have gained calmness, focus, and optimism. It also boosts your self-confidence and mood.

Often, stress becomes the reason for the disruption of your sleep and therefore, it leads to the inability to concentrate and mild anxiety disorders. By

doing exercises, you can diminish such disturbances and you will thus have a healthy life.

Do what you like, be it cycling, dancing, meditation, art, swimming, sports, aerobics, or anything which helps you to focus on your work and also relaxes your mind.

Stress Management Step 3: Maintain A Balanced Diet

Keeping a properly balanced diet can lead to lesser mood variations, balance your blood pressure, and boost your immune system. Also, the aspect of looking to a world might be in a different perspective as well as regain the ability to concentrate.

According to science, serotonin levels are increased due to some food enzymes like a bowl of warm oatmeal. Also, other foods which contain Vitamin C and Magnesium can reduce the levels of stress hormones from your body while strengthening the immune system. Even Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish like tuna, salmon, and sardine can avoid the rush in the stress hormones.

The well-known bedtime stressbuster is warm milk. The calcium present in it can alleviate mood swings and anxiety issues. Antioxidants can also help in preventing cell damage due to extreme stress and the foods you will find antioxidants are ginger, fruits, vegetables, etc. Also, try to eat healthy snacks.

Stress Management Step 4: Interactions

Making new friends, or interacting with a group of people or suppose your friends and family can help you to manage your stress effectively.

When you interact with a person, the fight-or-flight responses are stopped

when a particular hormone is released from your body. Talking out or sharing your feelings with them can help out to reduce your tension.

You can join a community which influences doing activities like indoor games, cultural programs, or some social service organization where you can serve the community in need, it will automatically bring out your true self and you will have a relaxed mind after the interaction and spending time with the people around you. You will be learning something new every day by exploring and you will see yourself blooming into a newer individual.

Stress Management Step 5: Schedule Your Time For Relaxation And Fun

You can also keep track of your stress by giving time to yourself as much as possible. Invest valuable time in yourself and do something which will help you to relax your state of mind and body. Amidst the hustle and bustle of your hectic schedule, make time for some enjoyment and relaxation to lead a stress-free life.

Start practicing yoga and meditation. These are the two of the most effective tools of stress management.

It can reduce your chronic stress and anxiety levels as well as help to gain adequate sleep and control mood swings. Find a quiet place, an open space, get yourself comfortable, and start practicing it. You can also turn on slow music to focus your attention.

Final Tips

"Make the time to practice one or more healthy coping strategies regularly. You won't have time to fit it in at first but do it anyway. Over time your practice will yield results and you'll find you want to take the time to continue your practice."

Rupsa Das
Rupsa Das

With over 5+ years of experience in the field of anthologies and more than a year of experience in the field of content writing, Rupsa Das, an English Literature student, is a co-author of 20+ anthologies, compiler of two anthologies. She had worked with some online news portal companies, digital marketing, and travel blogging companies. She is currently serving as the PR and Branding Director of Rotaract Club of Calcutta Park Point and the Assistant Coordinator of Bethune College Students’ Committee.

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