
Top Ways in which TECHNOLOGY is Impacting our Lives

How Technology Impacts Human Lives? Top Points
By Rupsa Das - Apr 3 2021 1:13PM - 2067 Read
How Technology Impacts Human Lives? Top Points

Imagine a life without technology for a single day. It’s unimaginable, right? We, human beings are dependent on technology somehow or the other, starting from getting up in the morning with the alarms set up in our mobile phones to booking our cabs in the Online Cab Services App to doing our office work on our laptops to ending our day by turning off the lights which are all built up with technology.

In simple terms, technology is the study of science and knowledge which is used to invent useful tools, machinery, and techniques that are put into practical terms made by humans.

Technology has made our life a lot easier and convenient to sustain and the ongoing technological advancements had brought a drastic change in this everyday developing world. The power of globalization has helped us to connect with other countries through technology, be it the country’s affairs or the extension of the corporate sectors.

Technology and its Benefits to Gen-Z

The elder generation of our society has even accustomed themselves to modernized technology. Earlier, the people used to type in typewriters if they had something to write and if any correction was to be made, there was no way out other than using white-out or typing it all over again. Now, with advanced technology, while typing, you can keep track of your spelling and grammatical errors by using Grammar correction tools that keep your writings error-free on your computer itself, and then, accordingly, you can thus save your document and print it out when finally ready.

Your document also will remain safe even if the first copy is somehow lost. Also, you can type faster on the computer easily as well.

With leaps and bounds, we are reaching great heights and making this world a better place to live in. In the due course of time, technology has brought us the ray of hope towards a better and brighter future, be it in the field of education or employment. With the help of the new devices, like

smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, laptops, desktops, everything is just on the tips of our fingers, be it entertainment, or online transactions, or e-business, and several other daily necessities.

How Technology is tackling Climate Change?

Also, in this growing world, we are over-utilizing nature, and also it is leading to overexploitation. Like excessive usage of fossil fuels has led us towards the journey of extinction of some natural resources, but technology is trying its best to cope up with it by developing clean energy. Also, through the wind turbines, the generation of electricity has too led us towards saving us from the exploitation of our natural resources. Such possibilities are successful because of technology today.

During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, our life suddenly seemed that it became still when lockdown took place and everything turned virtual. It felt nearly it was the end but our life had regained a certain amount of pace due to the adaptation of digitalization by almost every individual.

Technology in Human Lives

Starting from education to work to shopping to news, everything is on our screen today and we are accessible to perform those tasks needed while staying at home and maintain social distancing.

The lives of several individuals are dependent on the field of technology since they have found their world out from there. Not only that nowadays, we are working from home, but those who live stream or use technological gadgets to earn and make their living or even invent technological stuff which helps the human beings or work in the IT sector, all of our lives are bind with technology.

Technology in Education

Along with the education we get in our educational institutions, we are still gaining some more knowledge out of our books as well by browsing through the internet on particular topics. Also, we are learning new languages or doing our classes and courses virtually, sometimes that too from abroad, and getting more knowledge and education and boosting our curriculum vitae. Nothing is impossible if you are equipped with a smartphone or a computer and proper internet connectivity.

Technology promoting Ease of Living

Shopping online has turned into a better option and also, we are getting good products with quite fast delivery at discounted rates from our favorite stores. We have a wide range of options to choose from and that too, we can get the best out of all. We receive the delivery at our doorstep and even, we can return or exchange the products if we do not get the desired product.

We can connect globally with people through virtual mode wherever and whenever we want. Modern technology has its total impact when it comes to communication. Telecommunications have reached a whole new level through the latest breakthroughs of the Internet and smartphones. Technological advancements have changed the entire process of communication nowadays.

Final Words

Technology has become an integral part of the business. No matter what the size of your enterprise is, it will benefit you with positive outcomes.

Starting from ordering your products at a wholesale rate instead of traveling and purchasing it to launching your own online store to do all the money transactions online, the business world too has become virtual.

Also, due to the establishment of the newer technology, the business had witnessed lower business costs and an increase in the adeptness and influence in the field of the expansion of the production.

The ongoing revolutionization will persist in our lives and make this world more progressive and lead us to witness something new every time.

Though technology in our lives is sometimes both a boon or a bane, just like the two sides of a coin, but it is we who needs to hold on to the positive aspect, look ahead and work for the betterment and lead a better lifestyle which the life has to offer.

Rupsa Das
Rupsa Das

With over 5+ years of experience in the field of anthologies and more than a year of experience in the field of content writing, Rupsa Das, an English Literature student, is a co-author of 20+ anthologies, compiler of two anthologies. She had worked with some online news portal companies, digital marketing, and travel blogging companies. She is currently serving as the PR and Branding Director of Rotaract Club of Calcutta Park Point and the Assistant Coordinator of Bethune College Students’ Committee.

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