
Himachal Pradesh - A State of Beauty and Tranquility

Top Places to Visit in Himachal Pradesh: The Tourist Capital
By Aakarsh Arora - Apr 14 2021 4:58PM - 3821 Read
Top Places to Visit in Himachal Pradesh: The Tourist Capital

Whenever we hear the word ‘Himachal Pradesh’, the first thing which comes to our mind is beauty. The state famous for its mountains, valleys, food, & more is one of the prominent tourist attractions in India. One can imagine Himachal Pradesh as mountains covered with beautiful snowcaps and its erratic terrains. Himachal Pradesh has always been a home to a lot of activities like Trekking, Rafting, and Paragliding, etc.

It has been viewed as a desirable destination for every young Indian. We will have a look at some beautiful places in Himachal Pradesh which must be visited if you are looking for a combination of beauty and peace.

10 Top places to visit in Himachal Pradesh Kasol DigitalYug

Known as the Israel of India, Kasol is surrounded by green valleys, grasslands, and mountains covered by snow caps. It is one of the best destinations for adventurous activities like trekking.

The waterfalls in Kasol are immensely fascinating and allure a lot of tourists. Recently, a lot of youngsters have started going to Kasol to celebrate New Year’s Eve’s and the cherry on the cake is there are a lot of clubs that host great party nights on the date.

Shimla DigitalYug

Whenever we hear of Himachal Pradesh, one place which immediately comes to our mind is Shimla. Popularly known as Queen of Hills, Shimla allures the most number of tourists.

Shimla has great pre-independence era buildings like the Townhall and Viceregal lodge. Mall Road is a mesmerizing place to hang out and spend a jovial time with family and friends.

One interesting fact is that the enchanting beauty of Shimla enticed the British to make it the summer capital of India in colonial times.

Kasauli DigitalYug

If you are looking for a small one or two-day trip, then the small colonial town of Kasauli is the best option. It is one of the most peaceful cities of Himachal Pradesh where you can enjoy the sunset on the highest point.

Apart from this, Kasauli has small markets where tourists relish Chinese and Tibetian Cuisine. Monkey point and Christ Church are some of the places to wander.

Dharamshala DigitalYug

Dharamshala is one of the most beautiful cities of Himachal Pradesh situated at the top of Kangra Valley. It is home to Indian and Tibetan communities.

Dharamshala gave shelter to a lot of Tibetian Refugees including the world acclaimed spiritual leader Dalai Lama. So, you can see a lot of significant Buddhist Monastries where Buddhist monks live.

Spiti Valley DigitalYug

Spiti valley is a small village located at a height of 3800m having an extremely cold temperature throughout the year. But, it is nature’s masterpiece being famous for people walking on a spiritual path.

People who seek monkhood also come to Spiti as there are a lot of ancient Buddhist Monastries there. For travelers, Spiti is an enthralling place to do adventurous activities like paragliding, mountain biking, etc.

Dalhousie DigitalYug

Dalhousie is an eminent city among tourists especially North Indians. Another colonial city, Dalhousie presents green valleys, lush meadows.

Dalhousie is also a perfect place for nature lovers and who enjoy adventures like Trekking, Paragliding, etc.

Khajjiar DigitalYug

Khajjair is a town located amid the Himalayan Snow in the deodar forests. It is known as the Mini Switerzland of India owing to its breathtaking scenic, landscape, and green valleys.

Tourists enjoy the exotic wildlife at Kalatop Wildlife Sanctuary. Well, there is an ancient 12th-century Hindu temple known as Khaji Nag Temple dedicated to the Lord of Serpents. The fascinating part is that the architectural design of the temple is a mixture of Hindu and Islamic styles.

Manali DigitalYug

The most popular destination among schools and colleges, Manali is one of the cultural cities full of rich heritage. Interestingly, Manali is also a popular destination for film shootings.

The ancient Hidimba temple is one of the main attractions in Manali. This temple was allegedly made in the Mahabharat Era. Apart from this, people can enjoy the winter carnival marked by dance performances, street plays, etc.

Solan DigitalYug

If you like mushrooms, then you can surely go to solan which is commonly known as the “Mushroom Capital of India”. Also, Solan is a great choice for short trips just for enjoying sightseeing and the peaceful vibe of the city.

A lot of college students visit Solan on weekends to spend a delightful time and to chill with friends.

Kufri DigitalYug

At a little distance from the capital Shimla, a hill station known as Kufri amidst the Himalayan tops is located. It is witnessed that newlywed couples are the major type of tourists in Kufri.

Besides this, for people from plains who want to enjoy their first snow and do some adventure with family, Kufri is a sure-shot destination to be on their bucket list.


Himachal Pradesh is one of the few states to present an opportunity for visitors to enjoy the beauty and tranquillity. In Today’s times, people resort to nature to stay away from the daily hustle-bustle of metro cities.

To enjoy the tranquillity in the lap of nature, people should visit these mountainous regions with their family. Apart from the beautiful valleys, the indigenous cuisine and small markets are magnificent destinations for people.

Foreigners are allured towards Himachal Pradesh and you can be a witness to this fact as you can meet a lot of Europeans and Americans shopping Indian goods in the local markets. Make a plan with your family and friends to visit the beautiful northern state.

Aakarsh Arora
Aakarsh Arora

I am a student pursuing my graduation from delhi university. I am a curious person exploring the field of content writing. I am looking for more career opportunities in the field

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Thanks for posting such an informative data. Will definitely share it with my other friends also. Loved it :) https://kasaulihillsresort.com/

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